Welcome To My Blog

Hi & Assalammualaikum, Start on Nov, 2006..

I welcome you to my personal blog, thanks to everyone for making this possible. I would try my best to make this blog active and useful to all my friends or new friends and not to forget .. leave your nice comment here and bad one at my email .. heheheh got cha!

The Ideas
Human evolves, in term of mindsets and maturity as well as their way of living. In terms of thinking, the need and hunger for better things never ends in our mind. Sacrifices made and lost, physically or mentally for their goals and achievements. In reaching out the goals, many are lost, and forgotten, their beliefs, themself and where they are from and what is their purpose. Yet, everyt
hing that they once holding on to, fading out slowly.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Syapik's Wedding

Gambar rakan² yang sempat bergambar dengan kedua mempelai yang bertempat di Sungai Petani, Kedah. Marilah kita semua bermohon agar kedua mereka bahagia ke anak cucu dengan limpahan rezeki yang tiada noktahnya.

Disini aku nak mengucapkan setinggi² tahniah lah kepada syapik yang bergelar suami dan jangan lupa kawan² dah ler .. kekekekeke oklah. Tak sangka rasa baru sekejap kita di alam pengajian dan masuk ke pekerjaan and nowdays alam perkahwinan.. kepada rakan² yang belum lagi tu..cepat²kan lah benda yang baikni.. okies..

Kepada sesiapa yang tak dapat hadir tu.. aku ucapkan janganlah bersedih sebab tak dapat makan ikan besauuu... dan jumpa kawan² yang lain... yang semestinya perjumpaan ni bukan mudah untuk dimerterai melainkan ada peristiwa-peristiwa sebegini kan!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

If Everyone Cared .....

Hi All ..
just wanna share something that i think a very² good stuff indeed..i have problem one day after my pc's windows upgrade itself, yeah for sure i 've forgot to disa
bled the auto update features at control panel.. so i think i have met the dead end of my windows software. The microsoft genuine thing keep appearing on my task bar and remind me about the failing, so i have decided to find a tools to remove it.. hheheheh the clear idea is to crack it :D .. finally i have found one and wanted to share with others that have some issue as me..especially money concern.. so hope u all enjoy it >>

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