Welcome To My Blog

Hi & Assalammualaikum, Start on Nov, 2006..

I welcome you to my personal blog, thanks to everyone for making this possible. I would try my best to make this blog active and useful to all my friends or new friends and not to forget .. leave your nice comment here and bad one at my email .. heheheh got cha!

The Ideas
Human evolves, in term of mindsets and maturity as well as their way of living. In terms of thinking, the need and hunger for better things never ends in our mind. Sacrifices made and lost, physically or mentally for their goals and achievements. In reaching out the goals, many are lost, and forgotten, their beliefs, themself and where they are from and what is their purpose. Yet, everyt
hing that they once holding on to, fading out slowly.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Selamat Hari Raya Qurban

Wishing all the healthiness and wealthiness.. coming on your ways.. of 2007 .. Happy New Year.. talking about achieving your goals ??

My Goals :
Honestly say not yet... i don know when is that but i think if it fulfill means that next year goals [2007] achieved too!.. anyway please don't take serious what i have mentioned as i also not sure whether can or not or need to reschedule the goals

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

International Circuit Interruption


Anyone realize that our internet connection with outside having some difficulty ?

Yeah, for company that dependency on internet will most disrupted.. here some article taken from star online.

Internet access to overseas websites disrupted

PETALING JAYA: Local Internet access to overseas websites came to a crawl Wednesday after international links were disrupted by the earthquake in southern Taiwan.

Internet service provider (ISP) Jaring said the disruption started at about 3.45am Wednesday, and warned users to expect congestion to and from overseas websites during peak hours.

Internet service provider TM Net said the earthquake caused a fault on Asia Pacific Cable Network 2 links between Shantou, China and Tanshui, Taiwan, and between Lantau in Hong Kong and Chongming, China.

The disruption has caused outages to several TM Net international transit and peering links.

TM Net said Malaysian Internet users may experience some delay in accessing content and websites hosted overseas, especially in the United States, Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea and Europe.

Action is being taken to reduce traffic congestion by diverting traffic through backup links, it added.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas Party Celebration '06

eCommerce Made Simple

Today is our Christmas celebration '06, everybody need to bring their own dishes and gift for exchange at 11:00 pm ..Probably this is the checklist...

  • KFC
  • Pizza Domino
  • Satay
  • Fried Rice
  • Pasta
  • Cheese Cake
  • Roti Jala
  • Curry Ayam
  • Rojak
  • XBox 360 (Play Time)
  • Gift Exchange
  • Today is Holiday

Our Christmas Tree In Da Office

Wait Me At Your nearest roof top on Christmas Eve.. A lot of present to be given away..

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Moneris Solutions

New payment gateway integration ...undergo >>

  • eCommerce
    • Process all major online payment types, including Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, and INTERAC Online, in a secure, real time environment
    • Compatible with most of today's popular shopping cart applications. To view a list of supported shopping carts, please click here.
    • Option to connect to the gateway through the Hosted Payment Page or APIs
    • Authenticate your customers in real time with Verified By Visa. Moneris offers the Verified by Visa Merchant Plug-in as a component of eSELECTplus.
    • Help reduce the risk of accepting fraudulent transactions with AVS & CVD fraud tools.

After go through our solution, this payment gateway have been integrated earlier so, skip this task and just need to study .. in case there is some issue arise.

Update next meeting.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

eNETS Payment System (eNPS)

Hi There,
Today i wanna discuss about singaporean payment gateway services called eNPS. I have manage to integrate this service into our instantestore.com solution and if anything goes in place it should be up and ready to all merchant by latest tuesday, 19 Dec. 2006.

This is a non API integration, means that at checkout the customer will be redirected to eNPS website to enter their payment details (leave the e-store website for payment). After validate, the customer will be redirect back to the e-store they bought from.

Instantestore.com (Setting)

  • Go to Configure payment method at Admin Control Panel and select Edit Online credit-card
  • Here there is a list of all Gateway Name available and integrated with our solution (over 60 Online Credit Card Payment Gateway)
  • After selecting eNETS Payment System (eNPS) you will need to enter some payment gateway info in order to communicate with selected gateway. eg. Gateway Merchant ID
  • Next, you need to configure eNPS to accept some parameters while transaction start until end processing. eg. as this is non API, we need to inform eNPS to redirect back the customer after payment paid success or failure by giving urls and register your domain name to eNPS.
  • Finish.
Please be inform that there are Live and Test account, please configure your setting accordingly as this may be vary and whether you are in Live or Test Mode Transaction.

Tips : This approval being done by server to server notification ...

Wireless Headphone ( 4 IN 1 )

Wireless Headphone With
Digital Pioneer 007 Function

- Built in FM Radio
Built in Hi-Fi And Super Bass Sound
- Built in Microphone
- Loud Volume of sound
- Battery Operate
- Max (30 Meter*)
- Share music*
- Conneted to TV, DVD , MP3 , Walkman, Disc man
Player and Radio

4 in 1

  • Wireless Headphone
  • Wired Headphone
  • FM Radio Receiver
  • Online Chat
Check what other user say : Click Here
Low Prices Guarantee

Payment Method :
Product Category :
Product Type :
Physical (1 headset, 2 cable and 1 transmitter)
Product Price :
RM 39.90 net
Shipping Cost :RM 5.00 (+ inclusive) * until 31 May 2007
Payment Instruction :
Offline Method - Money Transfer Or COD
  • Send email at nezdaa[at]yahoo.com or sms your details 019-4788735
  • e.g Name, Complete Address
  • Pay to :
  • Maybank Account No : 157139761034

Online Method - PayPal, E-Gold
  • Coming soon.. pay by credit card (Paypal) or E-Gold
Delivery Terms & Condition
  • Product will be shipped from KL to respective areas. Orders will be process on the next day if after 12.00 pm and the ETA is not more than 2 days! we are using pos laju within malaysia and UPS for worldwide
  • Any enquiry can directly call me or using YM. (recommended)

Thank You.. looking forward to run business with you!


10 sikap buruk manusia yang dicela Allah

SYEIKH Abdul Kadir Abdul Mutalib dalam buku tasauf Penawar Bagi Hati menjelaskan mengenai sepuluh celaan Allah kepada manusia akibat dari kelakuan dan tabiat manusia sendiri ketika menempuh kehidupan seharian.

Sepuluh celaan itu berdasarkan sepuluh sikap yang lazim dilakukan manusia iaitu:

1. Gelojoh ketika makan
Dalam erti kata lain, seseorang yang kuat dan tidak bersopan ketika makan. Sikap ini juga meliputi maksud makan terlalu kenyang, menyediakan makanan dalam jumlah yang berlebihan, yang akhirnya membawa kepada pembaziran.

2. Banyak bercakap
Allah mencela manusia yang suka bercakap perkara yang sia-sia, fitnah memfitnah, umpat keji dan kata mengata kerana semua jenis percakapan itu menjurus kepada permusuhan dan perbalahan sesama manusia.

3. Suka marah-marah
Kemarahan boleh membuat seseorang itu bertindak di luar batas kemanusiaan. Perbuatan marah akan diikuti dengan maki hamun, mengherdik dan perkelahian yang boleh mengakibatkan kecederaan atau pembunuhan.

4. Hasad dengki
Seseorang yang bersifat dengki sanggup melakukan apa saja dalam bentuk kejahatan atau jenayah. Perbuatan menipu dan sanggup memusnah hidup orang lain adalah antara sifat keji yang lahir dari perasaan hasad dengki. Rasulullah bersabda: 'Dengki itu memakan segala kebaikan' (riwayat Muslim).

5. Kedekut
Rezeki yang Allah kurniakan lebih suka disimpan hingga bertimbun banyaknya. Sifat kedekut menghijab (menutup) seseorang dari membelanjakan sebahagian dari hartanya ke jalan kebaikan termasuk menderma, membuat kebajikan ke jalan Allah dan membantu orang yang memerlukan.

6. Bermegah-megah
Ia termasuk sikap suka status atau jawatan, gelaran dan menerima sanjungan.

7. Cintakan dunia
Terlalu menghambakan diri kepada perkara duniawi hingga melupakan tuntutan ukhrawi. Rasulullah bersabda: "Bekerjalah kamu di dunia seolah-olah kamu akan hidup seribu tahun, dan beramallah kamu untuk akhirat seolah-olah kamu akan mati esok hari."
(riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim).

8. Ego atau sombong
Sifat membuat seseorang merasakan dirinya mempunyai kelebihan dalam banyak perkara dari orang lain hingga mereka lupa bahawa hanya Allah saja yang bersifat maha besar.

9. Ujub dan suka bangga diri
Perbuatan ini ada unsur megah dan sombong dengan kelebihan dan kepandaian yang dikurniakan Allah. Rasa bersyukur tidak ada lagi dalam diri kerana telah diselaputi perasaan ego.

10. Gemarkan pujian atau riak
Manusia jenis ini suka meminta dipuji dalam setiap perkara yang dilakukan. Sikap baiknya, jasa dan baktinya mahu dikenang sampai bila-bila. Ini jelas membayangkan bahawa sikap baiknya selama ini, tidak diiringi dengan kejujuran dan keikhlasan.

Sumber Buku Penawar Bagi Hati

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Trip Summary

Floating Market

Fee: 400 baht (RM 40)
1 hour trip
The concept of this ialah seperti market didalam sungai, semuanya mengunakan perahu sebagai pengangkutan.. perjalanan yang hampir mengambil masa satu jam ini penuh dengan kenangan dan pengalaman yang menarik dan terhibur

Siam Paragon Shopping Mall
Ini ialah salah satu shopping mall yang terletak di bangkok, anda boleh menaiki teksi atau sky train untuk melawati tempat ini. Apa yang menarik ialah nowadays ada exhibition on Siam Ocean World.

Siam Ocean World Bangkok

Fee: 650 baht per Package (450 Bath)
Package include
- 4D Theater
- Touch pool area
- Penguin, Shark And Squirrel Feed
- North Pole Cave (-10ºC)
- Souvenir
- Free Ice Cream And Pop Corn

pengalaman yang menarik, especially 4D Theater .. memang gempaklah siap melambung-lambung orang yang duduk atas kerusi kerana side effect nyer.. then memang terasa macam kita yang berada didalam situasi filem tu .. dengan pancutan air ke muka dan hembusan angin menaikkan lagi keghairahan menonton ...

Inilah restoran yang aku pergi makan dinner for the first day arived. Apa yang special pasal restoran ini ialah kedainya di hiasi dengan kondom dan boleh dikatakan 80% mengenai kondom lah.. ish ish ish

To Be Continue...

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Renungan Bersama

Gambar hanya illustrasi sahaja. Tiada kena mengena sesiapa

  • Walau dibanjiri air mata, perjuangan harus diteruskan, keperitan bukan halangan untuk terus melangkah...Jika tersungkur, bukan bermakna putus asa, semangat terus kuat, untuk bangun dan terus melangkah...Dan..terus melangkah..Demi mengejar sebuah harapan yang bernama IMPIAN.."

  • Biarlah jodohnya bukan di dunia, asalkan cinta Ilahi mengiringinya. Tidak semestinya wanita itu disunting di taman dunia tapi lebih bermakna bila Allah sendiri yang mengarahkan hamba yang disayanginya untuk menyunting di taman akhirat kelak. Jadi sedarilah bahawa Allah telah menjadikan wanita dalam 1001 keindahan.
- Renungkanlah wahai insan…

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Programming Language

Hi, First of all under this section aku nak story sedikit sebanyak about my experiences and knowledge in this arena. Actually deeply interest in programming make me to become who am i now plus ;) the courage, motivate, support from friends and family directly or indirectly contribute towards my success .. but not yet gemilang dan terbilang uhuhuh..

ASP, Visual Basic & Cold fusion are the most and frequent used in my coding, especial HTML,XML,JavaScript and so on. This all language has their own platform and own concept like windows or web based.. For example running an ASP application you are required to install IIS/PWS as web server and Cold Fusion required Coldfusion MX Administrator and i think both web server can support either IIS or Apache.

ASP Basic Code :

Create Object
set conn = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")
set rs = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")

Connection MS Access
conn.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("training.mdb")

rs.Open "SELECT * FROM tablename",conn,1,1
conn,1,1 is for open only there is different base on SQL command requested

Query Output
< %=rs("fieldname)% >

Display Output

response.write"## Your Words Here or Variables ##"

response.redirect "form.asp"

sat sambung nengok TV

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Description and Reviews
From The Publisher:

This book will.

  • Explode the myth that you need to earn a high income to become rich
  • Challenge the belief that your house is an assett
  • Show parents why they can't rely on the school system to teach their kids about money
  • Define once and for all an assett and a liability
  • Teach you what to teach your kids about money so they will benefit in ways you did not

About the Authors

Born and raised in Hawaii, Robert T. Kiyosaki co-founded an international education company that operated in seven countries, teaching business to tens of thousands of graduates. Now retired, Robert does what he enjoys most...investing. Concerned about the growing gap between the haves and have nots, Robert created the board game CASHFLOW, which teaches the game of money, here before only known by the rich.

Sharon L. Lechter is a wife and mother of three, CPA, consultant to the toy and publishing industries and business owner. As co-oauthor of RICH DAD, POOR DAD and THE CASHFLOW QUADRANT, she now focuses her efforts in helping to create educational tools for anyone interested in bettering their own financial education.

Table of Contents

There Is A Need


Rich Dad, Poor Dad

The Rich Don't Work for Money

Why Teach Financial Literacy?

Mind Your Own Business

The History of Taxes and the Power of Corporations

The Rich Invent Money

Work to Learn---Don't Work for Money


Overcoming Obstacles

Getting Started

Still Want More?

College Education for $7,000

Payment Method
Pay Now with e-gold... Acceptance Mark
Product CategoryE-Book
Product TypeDownloadable (PDF Format)
Product PriceRM 15 | USD 3
Shipping CostFree!!!
Payment Instruction

  1. Offline Method - Money Transfer, COD

  2. Online Method - PayPal, E-Gold

For online method please follow step below:

Please email,sms or call me: nezdaa[at]yahoo.com or 019-4735359 for
comfirmation. Thank You

Friday, December 01, 2006

Bangkok Trip

On 7-Dec-2006 until 10-Dec-2006

This is a second time aku melawat thailand, first one phuket and now bangkok. Harap kali ni aku dapat beli camera satu before pergi or else pasti aku akan menyesal seperti ke phuket dulu.. :( ye lah tak dapat banyak kenangan melainkan tumpang camera orang jee...

Last trip banyak juga pengalaman yang dapat aku lalui especially buat pertama kalinya keluar negara :D and then naik flight lama sikit hehehee...harap this trip akan berikan more impact in my life as a person and in my work, ya getting more or like a family ;)

That all... for now folks!!

Stone Edge Integration

Latest Project On hand: Stone Edge Integration

Project ni mengenai import and export information using xml packet. Benefit to merchant yang mempunyai products memerlukan penggunaan bar code reader or POS System. This integration cover Downloading Orders from merchant e-store, products and inventory, customer info, inventory only and also update/maintain inventory from both end either stoneedge software or merchant e-store ..... more info


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