Welcome To My Blog

Hi & Assalammualaikum, Start on Nov, 2006..

I welcome you to my personal blog, thanks to everyone for making this possible. I would try my best to make this blog active and useful to all my friends or new friends and not to forget .. leave your nice comment here and bad one at my email .. heheheh got cha!

The Ideas
Human evolves, in term of mindsets and maturity as well as their way of living. In terms of thinking, the need and hunger for better things never ends in our mind. Sacrifices made and lost, physically or mentally for their goals and achievements. In reaching out the goals, many are lost, and forgotten, their beliefs, themself and where they are from and what is their purpose. Yet, everyt
hing that they once holding on to, fading out slowly.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The following translators were not loaded due to errors ...


Just want to share something on what i counter while working with Dreamweaver 8. Last few days, i have this error saying that "The following translators were not loaded due to errors ... ASP.htm" for some reason i believe this is only a temporarily bugs either due to the files or scripting... so what i did was reinstall the dreamweaver application (repair option).. however this seem not to be working either!

Last but not least i try to ask MR. Google, thanks to mr. google have recommend me some usefull links! ...

Conclusion, what you need to do is very simple ...

  1. Find your dreamweaver directory for example :
    C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Application Data\Macromedia\Dreamweaver 8\Configuration\
  2. Delete the WinFileCache-7A9586CB.dat

And you ARE DONE!!!! HuuuRaaaYY....

ref : http://groups.google.com/group/macromedia.dreamweaver/browse_thread/thread/acd1680dc2ebf0f1

PHP Meetup 2010 - 26 June 2010 at MIMOS TPM, Bukit Jalil

PHP.net.my akan menganjurkan PHP Meetup Sabtu, 26 June 2010 di MIMOS pada pukul 9.30 am - 6 pm di Technology Park ,Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur. Semua di jemput hadir untuk berkongsi ilmu pada hari tersebut. Antara tajuk yang dibincangkan ialah.

Antara tajuk yang akan diperkatakan :
1. Alternative Database System : mongoDB
2. Managing your code : GIT
3. OOP: Gentle Introduction
4. PHP System Implementation in Primary School
5. Overhauling with nginx - part II
6. phpHyppo - a php framework premiere.
7. SQL string manipulation in PHP

Acara ini dianjurkan oleh komuniti http://www.php.net.my/ dengan kerjasama MIMOS Berhad.

AIST - http://www.aist.com.my/
Primus Core - http://www.primuscore.com/
Tri-it - http://www.tri-it.org/

Jumpa di sana !!


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