Welcome To My Blog

Hi & Assalammualaikum, Start on Nov, 2006..

I welcome you to my personal blog, thanks to everyone for making this possible. I would try my best to make this blog active and useful to all my friends or new friends and not to forget .. leave your nice comment here and bad one at my email .. heheheh got cha!

The Ideas
Human evolves, in term of mindsets and maturity as well as their way of living. In terms of thinking, the need and hunger for better things never ends in our mind. Sacrifices made and lost, physically or mentally for their goals and achievements. In reaching out the goals, many are lost, and forgotten, their beliefs, themself and where they are from and what is their purpose. Yet, everyt
hing that they once holding on to, fading out slowly.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

iPay88 Payment Gateway

This is a new payment gateway. From my findings it is a Malaysian payment gateway and support major bank institution in Malaysia such as below.

I will put this integration in my schedule and update this blogs when its ready! Thank you.

Seem this payment far away from my schedule but i need finish a.s.a.p so i have decided to concurrently develop with my others task!.. as 1 May 2007 .. this is the details :

  • Firstly.. look like this is not an API integration so we cannot hold the customer on our CC page. This likely a bit frustated for merchant where their customer need to leave their store but is good for customer trustee, so they felt more secure when they entered ther details. So at this level the customer will select which type of payment they prefer and of couse available.
  • Here some intermediate processing being done!! before we pass the customer to ipay88. We need to hash some information and send is as a digital signature.
  • Ok, now ipay88..Will request customer to enter their CC Number, Account No. (based on payment type they selected, previously) and after the validation this customer will be redirected to merchant store back (based on URL set - this is a problem for me while develop because we required a test account else some of payment gateway make this URL as a parameter ;)... anyway i still think that we required a test account as some required information can only be obtain from the account such as Mercant Code and merchant Key).

Akhir nya, saya telah berjaya integrate payment gateway ini into our solution but secara tak rasmi. Ini disebabkan saya hanya berjaya dalam percubaan-percubaan fail dan sudah semestinya perlukan percubaan success attemp. Selepas itu barulah saya akan compile this module and prepare for uploading to all server.

This is the stage of payment :

  1. Anda meletakkan item(s) kedalam cart dan terus checkout. Ok, selepas tu anda akan dikehendaki untuk memilih payment type..e.g credit card, maybank2u r sebagainya. Disini what is undergo behind the scene ialah we gather info dan hashkannya before redirect the customer to the payment gateway page. DONE our end.
  2. Here, where customer akan enter dia punya payment details such as CC number, or login to maybank2u dsb. iPay88 will process and communicate dengan bank for approval. Either approved or failed dia akan redirect the customer kembali ke our thank you page.
  3. at thank you page, we will get whatever iPay88 pass to as in HTTPS mode and gathers all information and once again we re-query the status of the payment. iPay88 will reponse immediately with the status.
  4. Process Stage
    - we get the reponse previously and hash it then compare with what we get
    - we check the amount tally or not
    - check for the referer whether contain HTTPS and only accept from mobile88.com website
    - check the status code for payment status

As unofficially DONE at 06 May 2007 (Sunday)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

My Testimonial On Wireless Headphone ( 4 IN 1 )

Hi All,

Disini saya mengambil kesempatan untuk memaklumkan pengalaman saya menggunakan produk 4-1 Wireless Headphone ini. Pada mulanya saya amat khuatir jika wang yang bakal saya laburkan iaitu RM39.90 menjadi sia-sia namun sangkaan saya ternyata salah kerana selepas membuat pembayaran.. saya dikirimkan dengan product ini dalam tempoh kurang dari 2 hari.

Memandangkan fizikal produk ini tidak lah berat atau fragile jadi tidak perlu lah anda risau akan masalah kerosakan semasa penghantaran. OK, move to the product features.. ok memandangkan ianya wireless, produk ini memerlukan 4, triple A battery untuk wireless berfungsi. Part yang menarik pasal product ni ialah wireless nya dapat menembusi halangan tembok dsb. hampir 30 Meter. Anda boleh gunakannya sebagai speaker PC anda atau pun sebagai Radio Headphone tanpa wayar. Also vice verse.. anda boleh gunanya sebagai radio dan plugin ke speaker anda.

Selain itu, sekiranya anda kehabisan battery, headphone ini masih mampu berfungsi seperti headphone yang biasa dengan menggunakan wayar yang disediakan ianya berfungsi sebagai wired headphone (normal headphone). Bagi saya kepentingan wireless dalam kehidupan seharian amatlah nyata, hari demi hari semua semakin canggih dan advanced jadi untuk tidak ketinggalan.. dapatkanlah product ini melalui saya.

Call me at 019-4788735 or email me @ nezdaa[at]yahoo.com

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Pedoman Hati

Bila tubuhmu lesu dan hilang semangat..
ALLAH tahu betapa kamu telah mencuba sedaya upaya..

Bila tangisanmu berpanjangan dan hatimu kedukaan..
ALLAH telah mengira setiap titisan air matamu..

Bila dirimu telah terlanjur melakukan dosa..
ALLAH sentiasa menunggu taubatmu..

Bila kau telah mencuba segalanya tetapi masih tidak berhasil..
ALLAH mengumpulkan segalanya untuk satu saat yang tidak terduga..

Bila hatimu telah mengecapi kemanisan iman..
ALLAH telah berada hampir padamu utk kurniakan kejayaan hakiki..

Hidup ini indah jika brsama ALLAH

- nezam


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